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Location : Aurangabad MH
Call : +91 9850825209

Service Information

Vastu Shanti Catering Services

Vastu Shanti Catering Services

Vastu Shanti is a religious and spiritual process of worship of Vaastu Purush. Purush means Energy, Soul, and Shakti; thus Vaastu Purush is the protector, soul and Lord of the house.
Detailed Description

Vastu Shanti is a religious and spiritual process of worship of Vaastu Purush. Purush means Energy, Soul, and Shakti; thus Vaastu Purush is the protector, soul and Lord of the house. Shree Aayojan Caterers is a fresh and exciting place to be in. It has a modern flare, but encompasses a welcoming atmosphere. Whatever the Vastu Shanti occasion Shree Aayojan Caterers are will create the perfect ambience. A place where eager diners will begin by enjoying an evening of exquisite food, a fine bottle of wine and great company, as the night reforms to a suitable atmosphere.


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